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News & Events

22 January 2025

PRESS RELEASE: Pixformance launches FORTEe avatar-guided exercises for children and young people

FORTEe and Pixformance are announcing the release of the FORTEe exercises on January 31st, 2025, to all Pixformance users, therefore bringing engaging, avatar-guided workouts designed specifically for children and young adults to the innovative Pixformance training platform.
The exercises, which were developed by the team at Oxford Brookes University, were created in close collaboration with the coordination team at the University Medical Center Mainz, which assisted with the design and selection. They combine state-of-the-art sensor technology with real-time feedback to enable safe and effective functional training.

Visitors to the therapro fair in Stuttgart, taking place from January 31st to February 2nd, 2025, are invited to experience a live demonstration of the FORTEe exercises at the Pixformance booth.

Read the full press release in English and German here.

29 October 2024

8th Steering Committee Meeting

Today we concluded the 8th FORTEe Steering Committee Meeting! 🙌 Exciting to see the first results coming in. Now, it’s full steam ahead as we dive into the data and prepare our results for upcoming publications – stay tuned!

08 October 2024

Mentor-mentee visit: Marco in Lyon

In early October 2024, Marco from the FORTEe Team in Milan, Italy, visited his mentor, Rodolf, in Lyon, France. This in-person meeting was a wonderful opportunity for the mentor-mentee duo to connect outside of their usual virtual sessions.

Now, let’s read about Marco’s reflection on the visit:

Meeting Rodolf and the team in Lyon was a fantastic experience!
The beauty of the FORTEe project, and in particular the Mentor-Mentee Program, is the opportunity to see how the work we do every day is carried out in other centers of excellence. It was also a wonderful moment to exchange ideas with many oncology researchers working with such passion. This experience has greatly helped me understand how to improve my work with my patients, while also giving me new ideas for the future. I thank Rodolf and his entire team for welcoming me with such warmth. À bientôt!

Thank you, Marco, for sharing your experience with us!
Together we #GetStrongToFightChildhoodCancer!

La nostra missione

Il tumore è la prima causa di morte per malattie non trasmissibili nei bambini in Europa. La morbilità dei pazienti aumenta durante il trattamento del tumore a causa dell’inattività fisica, della fatica legata al tumore e della riduzione della qualità della vita compromessa dallo stato di ridotta salute. In particolare, l’esercizio adattato ha ottenuto notevoli effetti sul trattamento oncologico negli adulti affetti da tumore. Un effetto simile non è stato ancora chiaramente dimostrato nei bambini e negli adolescenti. È qui che FORTEe interviene per proporre l’esercizio come terapia, che mira a rendere i giovani pazienti più forti per combattere il tumore infantile.

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  • Valutare l’esercizio personalizzato e standardizzato, utilizzato come terapia, in bambini e adolescenti sottoposti a trattamento antitumorale.
  • Dimostrare l'efficacia di un'innovativa terapia a base di esercizio su misura per ogni singolo paziente
  • Sviluppare e utilizzare tecnologie digitali innovative, come la realtà aumentata, per un allenamento più efficace, adatto all'età del paziente e personalizzato.
  • Creare nuovi percorsi di cura per i pazienti utilizzando tecnologie come la telemedicina
  • Aumentare la possibilità di accesso all'allenamento personalizzato per il maggior numero di pazienti possibile, mantenendo le misure preventive di distanziamento fisico in bambini immunocompromessi
  • Implementare la terapia a base di esercizio in età pediatrica come standard di cura nella Unione Europea

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